Dear Joyful Rescues Board,

I’m big enough to admit when I may have made a rash decision.  I hope you are too.  

We submitted an application for a puppy (Oscar, Sophie or Bridget) Tuesday morning. I believed that my family was an excellent candidate to adopt any homeless pet.  We’ve adopted unwanted pets all of our lives (including cats, dogs and a horse), we’ve taken very good care of them, and given them good, happy lives.  We’ve bottle-fed a kitten taken too young from her mother, and spent thousands of dollars shipping a horse that
cost only $500 – all because we believe our pets are part of our family.  You do what’s right for your family, no matter the cost.  Our pets live happy, healthy lives full of love.  I have many more stories of the sacrifices we’ve made for our pets, and I’d be happy to share them with you.  

I called Friday morning, because we still hadn’t heard when we might be able to meet our new family member.  We have family coming over today for the holiday weekend, and we were excited to introduce them.  But I was told during the call that our application had been denied.  And that the secretary couldn’t tell us why, and that there was no one else I could speak to, and that I could send an email but the board only reads them about once per month, and that I signed on my application that Joyful
Rescues could deny my application without question.  I was shocked.  Flabbergasted.  Here was a puppy that needed a family, and a loving family that wanted him/her, but Joyful Rescues was saying NO.  It just didn’t make sense.  

And then I had to tell my children.  The day before, our 17-year-old cat, Scabby-Cat,
had died.  I had found her in 1996 crawling onto the freeway during morning rush-hour traffic.  I pulled over, ran to get her, and called my job to tell them that I would be late.  Our vet examined her, said she was about 2 weeks old, underfed and flea-bitten, but
healthy otherwise.  She told me where to go to get kitten replacement milk to feed her.  We named her Abby, (later called Scabby because she developed an allergy), and fed her with a bottle until she was old enough for regular kitten food.  Scabby was with
us until this past Thursday.  My 11-year-old son, Peyton, and I were with her when she took her last breath.  We were all very saddened by Scabby’s death, but we felt good knowing that we had given her a good life, and that we were with her when she died.  And we thought the pain would be lessened when our new family member arrived in a few days.  

My kids and I cried when I told them of your decision to deny our application.  Your thoughtless decision caused more pain to my children.  If you’re a parent, you know how that makes a mother feel.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t go down gently when someone hurts my kids. 

So I did some research, found some interesting information, bought a domain name and created:

Joyful-Rescues   (
I encourage you to view it in its entirety. 

But then, I thought, perhaps I’ve misjudged.  To be honest, I’ve only spoken with the secretary.  Perhaps this is all a misunderstanding.  Perhaps I should contact the Board to see if this can be resolved before I advertise my website.  
So I’m giving you the opportunity I felt I was denied.  If you can provide a valid reason why we are unsuitable to adopt Oscar, Sophie or Bridget, I’m happy to make the website inactive.  Or, you can do what I believe you should have done in the first place, and approve our application to adopt one of them. 

Please contact me at your
earliest convenience. 



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